August 24 - Wake-Up Call

3:20am, and seconds before, somehow awake from a pleasant dream to a quiet house, followed by an unexpected earthshaking reality.  Only make it out of bed and to the doorway before the healthy vibrations stops, and, in the next few minutes, with Harriet, wonder just exactly has happened.  Only the shaking of the living room ceiling fans betray that this could indeed be anything else (all the precarious bookshelves and file boxes are mercifully unaffected... this time...), yet the internet and the neighborhood issue not a sign of the goings-on; but feel that, wherever the epicenter was, somewhere has just received a rougher time of it than in our locality.

At last, minutes later, receive online word that yes, surely, an earthquake, northwest of American Canyon, out in the River's marshes, and soon dubbed the 2014 South Napa -- at first sometimes cited as 6.1, but then officially settling as 6.0.

No return to rest after this, rather, awake, dealing with various catch-up computer tasks, and eventually up to spend much of the day watching the non-stop-for-a-quite-awhile coverage.

Life locally, however, seems materially untouched, and a quick re-zip to the Library,

for a few extra returns and take-outs,

confirms the calm on the 163rd day of summer (earthquake weather?),

high back up to 91 (110th of 80-or-beyond, 53rd 90+),

calling family to re-assure that all is well, at least in the immediate vicinity, and beginning the composition of  

Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel, Opus 232, with 1897 Klimt.