January 11 - Sunset

Well, all ends, with hopefully new beginnings, right?  That's the idea, though entropy / end of universe / big rip could put a damper on proceedings.

Meanwhile, nature, red in tooth and claw, plus a painstakingly detailed study of the Bela Bartok Wooden Prince (Piu vivo / allargando / molto meno mosso section - Op. 13), and an initial of Psalm 108 (Op. 218, No. 2), based on the Leonard Bernstein Chichester Psalms opening,






And, ah yes, also update Facebook re The Opus Project presents Opus 13 (8pm, Saturday, January 25, Berkeley Arts Festival, 2133 University) with 13 figures (one sans tete or 17 counting the animals) from the Peace panel of The Standard of Ur (c. 2600 BC).