May 14 - All Points Bulletin
Finish videos for Abducted by Aliens: IX. 1966 Portage County UFO Chase and
X. 1973 Pascagoula Abduction / 1976 Tehran UFO Incident / 1986 Japan Air Lines, and combine all ten into one file,
before heading
beauteously /
rapidly towards Diablo Valley College to rendezvous with the
Music Theoreticians for one final pre-Final session, premiering aforesaid to very positive response, presenting Dictation /
Board-Harmony on Thom Yorke's
Morning Bell, and performing Student Compositions of Round 4, as well as The 12 Fingers: Siciliana / Boogie-Woogie, again to general approbation.
More Minuet-and-Trio Inspection and
Conductiing in Owen's class,
followed by
work with Carol
in the lab
returning home on this yet-again hottest day of the year (now 95, three days 90+, 17th 80-or-beyond, 64th summer-like high of the season) for
errands and the editing of page 21 Psalm 122,
over stimulating videos with Harriet.