April 23 - Composers All

Alvin Lau holds forth with a brilliant Composition 3 on Cello,

during a session that also features the conclusion of Sting's King of Pain for Dictation, Keyboard-Solfege, and Board Harmony (Voice-Leading with 7ths and 9ths) -- also reviewing 7th Chords on G, C, and F. 





commute, returning to edit page 11 of The Decameron - Fourth Day: IX. Sieur Guillaume de Roussillon Slays his Wife's Paramour and 5 for Psalm 121 ("I Will Life Up My Eyes"), on the 47th day of summer, high 71.  By now, have sent out all selections for The Opus Project presents Opus 16 (8pm, Saturday, April 26), including a new edition of Some Stuff: II. Urban Scherzo, Op. 16 (1979).