December 25 - Sharing Gifts, Travelling Near


with Harriet, Megan,

Hector, Flora, Marshall, and Felicia:

almost the same crew as last year in Lake Tahoe --

now comfortably local, and a good time is had by all... including extended matters Biblical, sometimes referencing The Bible, Op. 168.  A call to Bette, George, Chris, and Ann: mid-afternoon, general merriment on the Eastern front, as well.  Late-night composition page 4 Portraits of ___(Some Multiple of Three) Women: XX. Pandora, Op. 231 + a new edition of  

The Creation, Op. 93 (2000). 

Also post new Facebook banner and

profile pictures as promos for The Opus Project presents Opus 24 (8pm, Saturday, December 27, Diablo Valley College Music Building, Viking Drive, Pleasant Hill, CA).