September 19 - Aye-Opener








rendezvous with the

Friday morning Music Historians, nigh unto the Renaissance, as below...

A [Harmonic] Minor
A  B    C    D  E    F   G   A
Do Re Me Fa Sol Le Te Do

Chords in C Major
C Dm Em F   G Am Bdim C
I   ii     iii  IV V  vi   viio     I

Three Stylistic Periods after Ancient and before Classical
(and approximate dates)
Medieval - 400-1400
Renaissance - 1400-1600
Baroque -  1600-1750

Three Types of Triads and their Intervals
Major Triad = M3 + P5
Minor Triad = m3 + P5
Diminished Triad = m3 + d5

[8400] Giles Binchois - Files a Marier (Don't Marry)
[8415] Conrad Paumann - Mit Ganczem Willen (With my Whole Heart)
[8450] Josquin des Pres - El Grillo (The Cricket)
[8491] Henry VIII - Pastime with Good Company
[8510] Andrea Gabrieli - Ricercar in the 12th Mode (Research in the 12th Mode)
[8525] Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Pope Marcellus Mass: I. Kyrie


Another meandering return,  on the 189th day of summer,  high wandering back up to 90,  (134th at 80-or-beyond, 71st re 80+),

composing, over intriguing videos, page 4 for Alma Maria Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel: 1902 Richard Strauss.